We Offers These 6 Carpooling Tips


It’s back to school time, which means you might be coordinating multiple school schedules, including carpooling. At the John Rose Agency, we think carpooling is an excellent way to save time, money, energy, and spend time with friends and other families. 

  1. Organization is key. Set up a schedule with other interested families.

  2. Make an emergency contact list. In case of emergency, make sure that all of the families with whom you carpool are aware of emergency contacts and procedures.

  3. Keep extracurricular activities in mind. If your kids extend their school day with extracurricular activities, make sure to carpool with other families who do the same.

  4. Teach car safety. Make sure to talk with all of the kids you’ll be driving about car safety and rules while they’re in your vehicle.

  5. Don’t be late. Get your kids up and running early on the days you drive to help ensure that you won’t make other children late.

  6. Update your child. Keep your kids in the loop on who will be picking them up on that particular day.

If you’re looking for the safest auto insurance coverage for your kids this carpool season, make sure to contact John Rose Agency for the latest in policies and coverage.